poultry meet manufacturer poland

About company

IKO Kompania Drobiarska Ltd was created in 1999 and is polish, dynamic developing company and is full integrated chicken producer. Farms and other belongings produce hatching eggs, one day chicks, broilers and do slaughtering, processing and distribution of the poultry products. Every step of the production is controlled by veterinary supervision and quality departments.

Our mission is production and sale of high quality poultry meat with special, unique flavor

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High quality of poultry meat

Iko Company put special attention on high quality of poultry meat.
We are using in our feed meal and farms only polish cereal with the highest standard of nutrition and quality. All components used in feed production have sanitary, nutritional and ecological certificates.

All factories included in IKO Company are controlled by veterinary supervision.

Our internal, full integrated quality supervision procedures give a guarantee of traceability and identification of all production lots from the field to table.

See our productsContact us

The IKO Company structure:

In the full integration structure include:

1. The Hatchery in Rosin

2. Feed Meal in Stargard

3. 3. Processing Plants in Wiktorowo and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski

4. Slaughtering Plants in Augustowo and Golczewo

produkcja kurcząt zakład wylęgu
produkcja wysokiej jakości mięsa drobiowego

3,5 thousand tons of poultry meat

Every month we are producing 3,5 thousand tons of poultry meat and poultry processed products. We are many years on the market and our brand is known in Europe, Africa and Asia. We are cooperating with all main retailers, wholesalers and HORECA partners.

All factories included in IKO Company are controlled by veterinary supervision.

Our internal, full integrated quality supervision procedures give a guarantee of traceability and identification of all production lots from the field to table.

Our mission is production and sale of high quality poultry meat with special, unique flavor

Our potential

Pasze: xxx ton rocznie
Pisklęta: 42 miliony szt. rocznie
Ubój: 10 milionów kurcząt rocznie
Sprzedaż: 200t produktów dziennie